Frequency Specific (FSM) vs Conventional Microcurrent

FSM is the brain-child of Carol McMakin DC. It is based on the work of Albert Abrams MD. Dr. Abrams holds the distinction of perhaps being the greatest medical charlatan of all time. He believed that every disease had a frequency and if you bombarded the body with the exact frequency of the disease you could neutralize the disease. He created a device that he leased to other doctors with the understanding that if you broke the seal and opened the box you could no longer use it, it must be returned. His device never passed a single test of scientific scrutiny in the U.S. or in Great Britain, earning the disapproval of both the AMA and the British Medical Association. Abrams work was championed in the 60’s by Royal Rife and now by Dr. McMakin.

Unfortunately there is still no proof that FSM is any better of different than conventional microcurrent. If fact, I have a great concern that FSM protocols do not take into account that crossing currents of different frequencies try to cancel each other out. This means the actual treating, or beat frequency, is the difference between the frequencies of the two channels.

Understand this: The Current of Injury of the body is a continuous current of DC electrical energy, negative in polarity. The Current of Healing is the same, but positive in polarity. Continuous means constant, as in no frequency. Doesn’t it make more sense to use the EXACT same parameters as the body does? That’s what the Accu-O-Matic SP uses.

Until adequate research is done to establish that FSM is truly unique and that the body is really frequency specific in the healing process, FSM must be regarded with skepticism.

My opinion, and I would love further discussion on this. JV


In February of 2011 Dr. McMakin and I had several e-mail exchanges regarding FSM versus traditional microcurrent. I have examined all her "research" and I continue to believe that her results are happening as a natural effect of microcurrent stimulation and in spite of her frequency specific protocols.

Article ID: 104
Created: December 6, 2011
Last Updated: December 6, 2011
Author: Joseph Ventura

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