Laser Allergy Testing and Relief

Laser Allergy testing and remedy equipment is the latest in a long line of attempts to show a connection between allergens and reactions.
30 years ago it involved putting a glass bottle on a patient’s stomach. Inside the body would be a substance like sugar or salt. The clinician would then check leg length to determine the body’s reaction to see what it was allergic to. Then 20 years ago the vial was placed in a contraption connection to a computer which scanned through "millions" of possible allergens to determine the correct remedy.
Now we have the mother of all testing, a laser scanned over the body whose signal is imprinted on a small plastic strip. Then that strip has its frequency matched to the millions of frequencies stored in the system to create the exact remedy.
These all have one thing in common: Not a single shred of peer-reviewed proof that they do anything at all. In fact, these non FDA cleared devices can put the doctor at risk as the FDA has been know to confiscate equipment like this. It also can create a malpractice insurance problem if your carrier thinks you are dabbling in treatments too far from the norm.
We recommend you resist the slick marketing claims and keep your money in the bank.

Article ID: 116
Created: December 9, 2011
Last Updated: December 9, 2011
Author: Joseph Ventura

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