Sending Report by e-mail

Send a Posture Pro exam by e-mail is easy. It requires that you have a pdf printer driver installed, then select that as the printer for the Posture Pro report.
Step one is to download and install a free pdf printer driver. We recommend CutePDF from They have a free version that works well. We use it on the Posture Pro Touch. After it is installed you will see CutePDF as a listed printer.
When you are at the Posture Pro print screen you will see a Printer Setup button. Click on that and you will see a list of available printers, CUtePDF should be one of them. Select that. When you then click on Print Report Posture Pro and CutePDF will generate the report as a pdf file, which you can name and direct where it will be saved. After creating the report you can then attach the pdf file to an e-mail message for sending.

Article ID: 117
Created: December 12, 2011
Last Updated: December 12, 2011
Author: Joseph Ventura

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